As an ambassador and representative of this country, I am here to tell you, my fellow country ambassadors, of Argentina's national issues. Currently, a major issue in Argentina right now is the commercial sex exploitation of men, women, and children. These unfortunate people are trafficked into my country from Paraguay, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. Drug trafficking in and out of my country include shipping heroin to the United States, cocaine to European countries, and ephedrine to Mexico, etc. I am merely skimming the surface of how drugs are moved in my country. Argentina is merely a "middle man" for the countries listed above.
A major environmental issue within my country is the deforestation occurring throughout Argentina. When discussing this issue with the Foundation for Suitable Living(FSD), they told me that nearly two-thirds of Argentina's native forests have been cut down. Also, the water of the Parana and Uruguay Rivers have been polluted due to "transnational factories". In trying to take pressure off the government, these factories must have harsh regulations put into place to keep these rivers from becoming more polluted.