Between Uganda, Central African Republic, and the southern region of Sudan right now, there is a rebel army that goes by the name the "Lord's Revolutionary Army". The leader of this army goes by the name Joseph Kony. To keep the army supplied with soldiers, the current soldiers go into villages in the areas listed above and kidnap the children. The children are mainly at a young age so that the current LRA members can brainwash these innocent children more easily. The children will only be taught to capture and kill and nothing else. Anything other than that will result in death of the child. As a result of this brutal brilliance, the LRA has succeeded in forming a strong army that has caused much destruction in Uganda, Central African Republic, and Sudan. A group of young college students took a trip to Africa to take footage of these children and how they lived. They made a movie called the Invisible Children. What is happening right now is a global issue. The international community needs to have a council and come up with a solution of ridding the world of these wicked wastrels. The Ugandan government is using ex-rebels right now to hunt Kony, but other countries should be involved as well. These are small children at around the ages of 5 ( I am estimating, there could be younger ones) and up that are being used as weapons of war! Think about what would happen if this was occurring in any European country. What do you think the reaction and support of the international community would be?

Young soldier in the LRA
During the Twentieth Century, war played a major role in shaping the way it played out. For example, we have World War 1 known as the Great War back then. This first World War cost billions of dollars to train for, fight in, and clean up. It has been one of the most deadliest wars costing millions of people's lives. Throughout this war, many weapons were invented. For example, the tank, submarine, and flamethrower were all lethal weapons that were invented. Nationalism also played a key role in men's ideas of joining the military. The army portrayed war as " the sound of blaring trumpets and riding out on cavalry to confront the enemy". Nationalism had a major cause and effect impact on people's actions during the WWI era. WWI caused people to join the military, despite their duties at home( during this time I am sure their duties at home would be to go to war). The effect was them either dying or coming home with contagious diseases and/or their faces had bullet holes in them.
After WWI, much of the world had changed. Russia was introduced to communism by Lenin and they became known as the Soviet Union. Self-determination and a feeling for democracy were also major trends in the 1910-1939 periods. Fascism was introduced in the 1920's by Mussolini of Italy. This was the idea that war was looked upon as a good thing and nationalism was extremely popular with this ideology.

WWI Flamethrower
As we all know it, people tend to be put under categories due to their race. I myself have done this before and have found out that I am over 60% incorrect when I try and put people under categories just by looking at them. People to me may look totally different to my best friend. As a result of this crude judging, we live in a segragated society. You have the whites and you have the blacks. If a white and black guy were being interviewed for the a job, who do you think would get the job, seeing that we live in such a judgmental society? Race should not have any impact on this, but in today's world anything is possible. Everyone, no matter what color they are, has a talent and no one can take that away like it was some piece of bread.
During this year I learned a little bit about Mount Everest. The world is a very big place with a lot of cool and interesting places to go, Mt. Everest being one of them. As we may know, this is the tallest mountain in the world. People take trips up to this mountain as a vacation. It takes weeks to prepare for this awesome and edifying challenge. Not everyone can climb Mt. Everest though. However, oxygen tanks have been invented to help people breathe when they climb this mountain. Still, with this help it takes a lot of physical and mental strength to complete this task.
Culture is a big deal in Japan. I learned that to smile at a person can make the situation awkward and they would look down on you. A person also wants to avoid confrontation when you have a business meeting one-on-one. Proper etiquette is essential in a place like Japan. Handshakes are not accepted and are looked down on. Eye contact is also not accepted. There is so many rules concerning proper etiquette and culture in Japan and I am glad know the basics.

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